Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hrm. Over a year since I last wrote in this little blog.

Sorry for neglecting you, little blog!

2009 brought three trips from Canada to Australia: in April I went and helped my parents celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary and my Dad's 65th birthday. In September I joined Sox on a guitar tour with some other musos. In November I headed back hoping to say goodbye to Grandma before she passed away. I didn't make it in time for that but had a good quality time family trip.

What does 2010 bring? Well, hopefully the opportunity to save a bit more money. There are no travel plans sorted yet, but we'll see how that develops!

In the meantime, I'm surrounded by the Olympics.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Vegan Fondue review

I have been following the Vegan Lunch Box blog for a steady couple of years, and have worked my way through Jennifer Shmoo's back catalogue completely :) I bought her book (you should too: Vegan Lunch Box) for myself and have been picking and choosing which recipes to try sooner rather than later.

Who said you need to have kids to enjoy fun lunches?

Tonight, I made her vegan fondue (page 72), which I have been coveting for months. Actually, I made it as a mac-and-cheese sauce. This worked out very well indeed. To add some vitamins, the macaroni had diced carrots, frozen peas and frozen corn kernels added to it. The fondue sauce itself (no, I'm not giving you the recipe - buy the book yourself!) has some vitamins and protein in the ingredients, and of course no dairy at all, so it was reasonably healthy ... for comfort food.

Doesn't that look YUM???

For the record, Sox had three bowls, and I had two. It didn't taste like the neon orange box product they call mac and cheese (or KD: how many of us have noticed that they don't call it mac and cheese? I think it may be far enough removed now that it no longer resembles its' original inspiration ...) but it was smooth and very creamy, with a good medium level of cheeseness.

Yay! I made so much, there are leftovers!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Did you know ...

That I can't touch type?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Back to BC

I hereby declare that 8 hours in Hong Kong International Terminal is too long, although the Transit Lounge is very good.

Got on the plane, got bored, got back to BC.

It's autumn now, or "fall". I like that a lot.

Arrive Sunday afternoon, back at work Monday. A plan with no drawbacks. Well ...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Where did you get that hat ...

Yeah baby.

Nardia and Lindsay went on vacation, and brought me this hat ... and a t-shirt ... and a tote bag ... and ...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kings Park

This one's for Anita -

We went to Kings Park today! It was good. Overcast, but still 30 degrees. Mum, Dad and I had a huge walk through the wildflower botanic gardens (wildflower season officially ended a few weeks back, so it is still rather spectacular), and walked over the new bridge walkway - very pleasant.

Mum had packed an outstanding picnic lunch - we feasted on rice paper rolls, home made apricot iced tea, and date slice.

It was up there with "really good days out"!

For the record, it has been over 30 degrees for 3 days in a row, and Sunday was 34 degrees - the highest temperature in October in Perth for 8 years or something.

I am a Sun God. I had forgotten this.

A frog he would a wooing go

I go to sleep listening to this little guy courting.

He may be a girl, I have no knowledge on these things.